Thematic Collective Action
Our work needs to be rooted in the needs and experience of people in East Lothian. The Climate Hub asked members of the public and ELCAN members to collectively decide what themes we will focus on. The community decided on the 4 following themes:
See the information below on how to get involved with the each work theme. Please share this information with anyone you think would be interested, so we have all the brilliant minds we can in East Lothian help input to this work.
Watch the video on Collectively Deciding Our Themes, to get inspired and get a feeling of how the Climate Hub works!
We are planning the first Food-themed Gathering for Autumn, to explore challenges and opportunities and create an action plan. More details on this will be provided closer to the time. If you would like to be involved, please complete this form.
We are aware of the intrinsic link between food and biodiversity and are considering this as we build these themes, and would love to hear your thoughts about connecting them in terms of action too.
The next Biodiversity gathering will be on Tues 27th August 9.30am – 12.30 at Papple Steading, ‘Making Space for Nature’. This will be an opportunity to feed into a robust action plan, with both short term and long term goals. If you’d like to attend please register here.
We are keen to get the action plan for this theme developed as soon as possible. If you are interested in being involved in the Circular Economy working group please complete this form and we will convene the first meeting as soon as convenient for all interested.
You find information here on resources related to these ‘energy’ related pieces of work here: Energy and Heat in East Lothian.
Our work on the Energy theme includes action to improve home and business insulation and establishing Community Heat Teams (by scaling out the model seen in West Linton), for which we have, gratefully, secured the purchase of 9 sophisticated thermal heat cameras, funded by Scottish Ministers in conjunction with the Tyne & Esk Local Action Group. These cameras have now been distributed and communities across East Lothian are being trained to conduct free Community Heat Team Surveys.
If you are interested in joining a Community Heat Team, or booking a free Heat Team survey, please contact your closest community climate action group.
- Sustaining Musselburgh
- Garvald & Morham Climate Action
- Climate Action East Linton
- Sustaining Dunbar
- Insulate Innerwick
We recognise that transformative change in how energy works in East Lothian is broader than our county, and organised an Energy Design Sprint with other Climate Hubs across Scotland in August 2024. Collectively, the Hubs have agreed to work together on enabling community-owned energy and moving towards a national retrofit strategy and plan.